
If you have a Yorkie, it’s important to know the most common health issues they can face. These health issues can range from Leptospirosis to Diabetes mellitus, Cataracts and hypoglycemia. Keep reading to learn more. In this article, you’ll learn the signs and symptoms of each of these health problems, as well as the treatment options available.


The symptoms of leptospirosis can be difficult to spot in a young dog, but most common signs of infection are fever, increased thirst, dehydration, vomiting, and painful eyes. This bacterial infection can be fatal, causing irreversible damage to kidneys and liver. A blood chemistry test can detect the presence of leptospira bacteria. An antibiotic is often prescribed to combat leptospirosis, and the symptoms of the infection can vary between individual dogs.

There is a vaccine that can protect against leptospirosis, but there are several limitations to the vaccination. No vaccine contains all servovars, so it’s impossible to protect a dog against all possible strains. Vaccine manufacturers only include the most common, dangerous strains, so leptospirosis vaccinations only provide long-term immunity for some dogs.

Diabetes mellitus

In the United Kingdom, diabetes mellitus is common in dogs, with 34 cases per ten thousand. In Sweden, there are 13 cases per ten thousand dogs, and in the United States, the incidence has increased from 19 cases per ten thousand admissions in 1970 to 64 in 1999. A dog with diabetes needs daily insulin injections to keep his blood sugar levels within the normal range. Symptoms of diabetes include increased appetite, lethargy, and impaired wound healing. Other signs of diabetes include poor coat condition, increased appetite, and lethargy. Cataract development can cause blurred vision. Diabetic dogs also need insulin injections every day and should be spayed if they are a female.

When left untreated, diabetes mellitus can lead to diabetic ketoacidosis, a life-threatening condition that results in anorexia, vomiting, and dehydration. Untreated diabetes can lead to complications, including kidney failure, urinary tract infection, and pancreatitis. However, if the condition is treated in time, it can reverse its adverse effects.


If you own a Yorkie, you’ve probably noticed that it can be easy to fall prey to hypoglycemia. Your pet needs constant attention and monitoring to keep its blood sugar levels stable. This problem can be treated by making changes to your dog’s diet, exercising more and administering certain medications for related conditions. While these changes can be difficult to make at first, they’ll have minimal effects on your Yorkie’s life.

Despite the fact that it can affect your pet anytime, this condition is not contagious. You can detect symptoms early on and begin treating the condition with proper care. The symptoms include chronic diarrhea, weight loss, breathing difficulties, vomiting and a general malaise. If you suspect your Yorkie is suffering from this condition, you should consult your veterinarian. Treatment options can range from steroids to diet changes, and sometimes even surgery.


If your Yorkie is suffering from a cataract, it’s important to get them checked out by a veterinarian right away. Even though cataracts can be disabling, many dogs make a full recovery and regain perfect eyesight. Another common health issue for your Yorkie is allergies. These dogs are prone to severe allergic reactions to even the smallest changes. Some of these changes can even be as small as a new shampoo or material on your clothes.

Fortunately, the main symptom of this condition is gradual vision loss. Cataracts develop in the eyes as a dog ages. They can be caused by a number of factors, including environmental factors and poor diet. During the early stages, your Yorkie may adjust to poor vision without requiring veterinary care. However, if your dog develops the cataracts too rapidly, it may not be possible to correct the condition.


The health problems of the Yorkie breed are not uncommon. They have a lot of energy to burn, and they need at least an hour of exercise every day. It is possible to break up the walk into several smaller ones. However, due to their tiny size, Yorkies cannot easily overexert themselves. If your Yorkie develops a murmur in its heart, he will need surgery to correct the problem before it can lead to heart failure.

Another common Yorkie health problem is hypoglycemia, a dangerous condition that can cause lethargy and pale gums. A coma can result, and your Yorkie may even die. If you notice any of these symptoms, it is important to take your Yorkie to a veterinarian for further testing. Overexertion can cause the femur bone to collapse, which causes pain and limping.

Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis

While the symptoms of hemorrhagic gastroenteritis in Yorkies are rare, they are certainly present. The gastrointestinal disease is usually accompanied by diarrhea that is bloody, mucus-filled, or both. Acute hemorrhagic gastroenteritis is a serious medical emergency and should not be ignored. If your Yorkie develops any of these symptoms, seek veterinary attention as soon as possible.

A blood test is the most reliable way to diagnose hemorrhagic gastroenteritis in Yorkies. Among other things, this blood test will determine the packed cell volume (PCV), or proportion of red blood cells in the dog’s blood. Your vet may also order ultrasounds, x-rays, a biochemistry panel, and stool samples to rule out other causes of diarrhea and bloody stool.


There are various signs of pancreatitis in dogs and cats. The signs of pancreatitis vary widely, but are usually sudden and include decreased appetite, diarrhea, fever, and lethargy. Your pet may also display restlessness or vocalization, or he or she may be depressed. If your Yorkie shows any of these signs, it is best to seek emergency medical care. You may need to withhold food for 24 to 48 hours and administer pain medications.

Acute pancreatitis is a painful condition in which the pancreas is inflamed. This condition can result from a high-fat diet or from suddenly introducing fatty food to your Yorkie. This condition is commonly seen around the holidays, and veterinarians also see increased cases of pancreatitis in dogs that get into the trash.

Tracheal collapse

There are no specific symptoms associated with tracheal collapse, but your veterinarian may notice coughing and difficulty breathing. To diagnose this condition, your veterinarian may perform diagnostic imaging, such as a tracheoscopy and endoscopy. These tests insert a camera into the dog’s windpipe or airway. Fluoroscopy, which uses moving x-rays to visualize the trachea, is another diagnostic test. Your pet will be given anesthesia and a blood urea nitrogen test, as well as a liver enzyme panel. Treatment for tracheal collapse depends on age, overall health, and the severity of the condition. Your veterinarian may recommend medication or surgery to correct the collapse. An electrocardiogram or echocardiogram may also be ordered.

In most cases, tracheal collapse is treatable, though aggressive treatment can have limited results. Treatment aims to improve the quality of life, but many dogs with this condition will remain exercise-intolerant for life. Moreover, aggressive therapy will not completely eradicate coughing. However, most dogs with tracheal collapse will be able to lead normal lives. It may be possible to reduce the frequency of coughing with aggressive management.

Dental disease

Periodontal disease is an infection of the periodontium, which consists of four tissues: the gingiva, cementum, periodontal ligament, and alveolar bone. It begins as gingivitis, but if left untreated, will extend further into the tooth socket, destroy the bone, and lead to a loose tooth. More than two-thirds of dogs over three years of age suffer from some form of periodontal disease.

The jaws of Yorkies are small, so their teeth are overcrowded. This can lead to tartar and plaque buildup. Your dog needs professional teeth cleanings twice a year, and the vet should check for periodontal disease to prevent painful extractions. If your Yorkie develops periodontal disease, you should take her to a vet to prevent further damage. Dental disease is one of the 15 most common Yorkie health issues.


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